Home Hiram Hiram Township Trustee News

Hiram Township Trustee News


Hiram Twp. – At a recent meeting, township trustees approved a Resolution placing a Road and Bridge 3 Mill Replacement Levy on the November 3, 2020 ballot.

It was noted that voters must be registered by October 5th in order to vote in this election. If residents plan to cast their votes by mail, they must request an absentee ballot as soon as possible. The last day to request an absentee ballot by mail is noon on October 31st. Applications can be found at www.co.portage.oh.us or by calling (330) 297-3511. Absentee ballots must be post marked no later than November 2nd (and received no later than November 13th) or returned to the Board of Elections office (or drop box) no later than 7:30 pm on November 3rd.

In other news, Trustees Jack Groselle, Steve Pancost, and Debra Blake voted unanimously to accept Kimble as the lowest bidder for the residential solid waste contract. Hiram Village also came to the same decision, helping both communities reduce truck traffic on shared roads.

Further, Trustees unanimously approved a Resolution (2020-35) to pay the Portage County Treasurer $1,438.50 for a phased plan approval building permit for structure to be built at 6352 State Route 82. Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe will send a copy of the Building Permit to Hal Stamm; Township Road Supervisor Tom Matota will get the site prepared for the new building. It was agreed that Tom would manage the site preparation to include a swale to prevent water from running off. All agreed to continue with Hal Stamm to oversee the contractors and construction.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 15th at 7 pm in the Township Hall.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography