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Hiram Township Trustee News


Hiram Twp. – At the last Township Trustee meeting, Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe noted that the Audit with Charles E Harris is currently underway to clarify Fire and EMS contributions between Hiram Township and Hiram Village. Next, trustees voted unanimously to pay for HVAC Drawings ($95 per hour @ 20 Hours) and to pay $500.00 to Mike’s Electrical for electrical drawings for the new building. In Resolution 2019-52, Trustees approved and accepted payment of $350 from the Weigel’s as full payment for the BZA Variance that was initially denied.

In other news, Debra Blake attended the Portage County Township Association Meeting. She reported that Jack Groselle and Tom Calcei were called out for a special thank you for their leadership in helping to modify the disbursement of Local Government Funds. Blake noted that all elected officials are being urged to participate in census activities, if available and to encourage others to participate in this momentous program as well. For more information, visit 2020census.gov. Shortly before Christmas, Trustee Jack Groselle and Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe were sworn into office at Koritansky Hall.

In his Zoning report, Inspector Rich Gano reported that he and Gary Bott traveled to Youngstown for a hearing regarding the Moore case. After their arrival, the judge announced that he was moving the hearing to January 19, 2020. Lastly, Gano noted that the Hiram Township Zoning Department processed 37 permits in 2019.

In his road report, Supervisor Tom Matota asked that the Township’s website be modified to properly note that the Township provides services to Ryder Road beginning one-quarter mile south of State Route 82 and running to Pioneer Trail. Next, he requested that 80 hours of leave be paid out as non-retirement funds; all three Trustees approved this request. Lastly, Matota reported that 200 tons of road salt has been delivered; the Township’s complete order was a total of 400 tons for the 2019-2020 season. Moving ahead, Jack Groselle announced that our NOPEC cost for natural gas will be 3.429 mcf through April of 2020. Lastly, The Township is looking for a place to donate a used Dell B2375DNF printer.

The next regularly scheduled Trustee meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 21st at 7 pm in the Township Hall.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography