Home News Hiram Township News

Hiram Township News


Hiram Twp. –  At their last meeting, Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe shared that Portage County Treasurer Brad Cromes sent a letter and brochures regarding the Home Improvement Assistance Program. Next, Trustee Kathy Schulda asked Hiram Fire Chief Bill Byers if there was an existing list of residences in the township. Chief Byers shared that his department is working on developing a list for mapping all residences in the township. In addition, the group discussed a complaint from RR Green, the brother of a township resident. The complaint stated that the Norton Road bridge construction site had barrels on site, the content of which were not properly marked. Chief Byers stated that the fire department checked the site, the stream, and downstream waters, and reported finding no potentially hazardous materials. The results of the Fire Department’s investigation were reported to the resident, as well.

In addition, Chief Byers discussed the plans to erect a barrier for the helipad. He explained that several residents will be working with the department to build the barrier. In addition, It was agreed that during the winter months, the helipad would be plowed by a village pickup truck, since the township’s heavy duty plow may damage the helipad’s surface.

Lastly, it was determined that due to inconsistent winter maintenance of Cheryl and Sherwood Drives, which are privately owned, Fire Department equipment cannot traverse these roads during winter months. There is concern about emergency equipment gaining access due to these narrow roads becoming impassible, since irregular snow removal could lead to a fire truck being stuck in the roadway, which would make it difficult to reach a fire but could also block other equipment from assisting. Homeowners on both drives will be notified; Trustee Jack Groselle suggested adding a note that homeowners are welcome to notify their insurance companies of their concerns.

In Old Business, Trustee Groselle requested that the township’s employee handbook be sent to attorney Chris Meduri for review, due to the change in laws regarding prescription marijuana. Mr. Groselle thinks it prudent  to determine if the township’s policy complies with current law.

In other news, Ms. Schulda also received a phone call from a resident who wanted to express his appreciation for the roads being well taken care of and the quick response from the road crew. Later, she asked Ms. Rodhe what funds were available to erect a storage building on the Township’s new property. Ms. Schulda and Road Supervisor Tom Matota have looked into a construction kit for a pole building to be erected, but have suggested completion of a plan for the building site before going any further with this project. It was noted that the appraisal for the road garage has been completed.

It was noted that Jacob Ober and his parents were in attendance at the meeting; Jacob took notes as part of his Scout Project. Lastly, a trail clean-up day has been scheduled at the township’s property on State Route 82 for Saturday, October 22 at 10 am. Lunch will be provided for all volunteers.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 18th at 7 pm in the Township Hall. Residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography