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Hiram Township News


Hiram Twp. – At a recent Trustees meeting, Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe announced that she had closed the books for 2015 and filed electronically with the Auditor of State’s office. She provided a fund balance report to the Trustees to aid in budget planning discussions.

Next, Tim Kasper and Tom Franek from the Community Evaluations & Accomplishments Committee (CEAC) presented their proposed Master Plan for development the Township property on State Route 82. Mr. Kasper noted that the preliminary plan be used during the grant application process; in addition, it will make it easier for Regional Planning to assist with development plans for the area. Mr. Kasper and Mr. Franek emphasized the importance of having a professional drawing completed and attached to the master plan as well as the need to have electricity and water available at the property, since everyone agreed that a pavilion would be incorporated into the plan.

Based on feedback from the community, both gentlemen shared interest in connecting the Township’s park property to locations throughout the Township via a walking trail. To that end, the Trustees encouraged CEAC members to discuss the possibility of a future connecting trail with the property’s surrounding property owners. In related news, a trail camera at the park captured a photo of hunter carrying a gun on the property where no hunting is allowed. Trustees approved the purchase of several “No Hunting” signs, which Township Services Manager Tom Matota will have posted. Lastly, Trustee Steve Pancost provided the CEAC with a list of potential grant opportunities for the park.

On behalf of the Fire Department, Gary Bott reported that the 2015 report includes a slightly longer response time due to multiple incoming calls coming in simultaneously. He also noted that Hiram Fire Department will receive a check for $2,500 from America’s Farmers Grow Communities, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund. He thanked Trustee Jack Groselle, who applied for the grant, and directed the funds to the Fire Department. Mr. Bott reported that the Department is on their 65th call this year.

Kathy Schulda provided an update on the Village Gate siren Memo of Understanding. She shared that the Township’s solicitor Chris Meduri will write a resolution for an assessment of $300 for each building permit issued within the Village Gate Development. Ms. Schulda noted that Mr. Meduri will include all pertinent Ohio Revised Codes in the resolution. Ms. Schulda also noted that Trustee meeting minutes will be forwarded to Hiram Village on a quarterly basis, in order to accurately represent the Township’s elected official’s time spent in the Town Hall for tax purposes.

Next, Trustees discussed a letter received from the Portage County Commissioners. The Commissioners sent a draft letter addresses to James Zehringer, Director of ODNR, and John Moore, City of Akron Director for Trustees approval. The letter is a request to have Heckman Water Resources, the owner of the hydraulic fracking waste storage well on Allyn Road, to either pipe product from State Route 82 or create an access road from the State Route to the disposal well.

In his report, Mr. Matota noted that the New Holland Tractor, which was previously discussed, has been purchased from Miner’s Tractor Sales, Inc. In Resolution 2016-17 Trustees unanimously approved the purchase of a state bid Alamo mower for $52,176.00. They also approved a request for a pressure washer, which Mr. Matota will purchase locally. Lastly, Mr. Matota noted that as of mid-February, the road crew had used 180 tons of salt on Township roads.

The next meeting of the Hiram Township Trustees will be held on Tuesday, April 5th at 7 pm in the Township Hall.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography