At their last regular meeting in December, Hiram Village Mayor Lou Bertrand was present to conduct a swearing in ceremony for Township Trustee Jack Groselle and Fiscal Officer Eric Hankinson. Groselle has been re-elected, and Hankinson was newly elected to continue in the role to which he was appointed. Administering the oath of office was one of the Bertrand’s final official duties, as his decades-long public service to Hiram concluded at the close of the year. At another event that month, Mayor Bertrand also administered the oath of office to his political opponent, mayor-elect Anne Haynam, who assumes the role of Village Mayor on January 1st.
In other news, according to the contract between Kimble Recycling & Waste Disposal has with Hiram Township, residents and businesses will see a pricing increase on trash and recycling pickup effective 1/1/2024. This represents an increase of 5.8%.

According to representatives from Kimble, to continue to meet the needs of the communities they service, the company has raised wages, added bonuses and increased its recruiting staff in a concerted effort to hire additional qualified drivers to counter the employee shortage. These efforts ensure that local communities recycling and trash needs are being met in a timely manner. In addition, fuel and environmental surcharges have increased, which cover increases the hauler receives for additional disposal and environmental fees.
The Hiram Township Trustees meetings take place at on the third Tuesday of each month at the Hiram Township Complex (6352 State Route 82).