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Hiram Township News


At the last meeting, Road Supervisor Tom Matota was charged by trustees to investigate setting up a dedicated fire hydrant on township property that could be used to fill the Hiram Fire Department tanker. In addition, Matota will investigate the cost of tapping into the Village water line to provide the Administrative Building with water.

Matota spoke of having a productive meeting with William Vermes from the Portage County Engineers Office regarding the one-lane bridge on Hankee Road. Matota noted the potential of adding guard rails and possibly a cement deck, but shared assurances that, “the bridge isn’t going anywhere”.

Trustee Steve Pancost shared receipt of an engineering report noting that the proposed location of a light pole at Riverside Cemetery in Hiram Rapids was deemed ‘not safe’. In similar news, Hankinson will notify the RCCA of the details required by the Township in order to pay the portion of the organization’s electric bill to cover the cost of the lights that illuminate the flagpole in the Rapids. It was noted that the portable toilet is back on site for the season, providing facilities for RCCA and cemetery visitors alike.

In other news, trustees passed a resolution authorizing the Portage County Engineers Office to assemble bid packages for chip and seal work in the township. In addition, Trustees also agreed to contract with ODOT to purchase 300 tons of road salt for the 2023-24 winter season. Lastly, Fiscal Officer Eric Hankinson shared that the township applied for NOPEC’s annual Energizing Communities Grant for 2023.
Lastly, it was noted that the township was notified of legal proceedings filed against the township by Brian Ames. Ames filed against the entity, charging officials entered executive session without using the proper nomenclature. It was noted that Ames has filed similar charges in Geauga and Trumbull Counties as well.
The next regularly scheduled Township meeting will be held at the Administrative Building (6352 State Route 82) on Tuesday, May 16th at 7 pm.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography