Home Hiram Hiram Township News

Hiram Township News


At the last meeting, Road Supervisor Tom Matota discussed work on the culvert at Hankee Road, west of State Route 700. According to the Ohio Department of Transportation, State Route 700 will be closed for 14 days between Pioneer Trail and Hankee Road while the project is completed. The project is scheduled to be completed this summer.

In other news, The Portage County Comprehensive Plan final draft is available to the public on the open for public comment through April 6th. The document is available at https://www.portagecounty-oh.gov/regional-planning-commission. Comments and feedback can be sent via email to: planning@pcrpc.org or by calling (330)297-3613.

Please note that a community open house to discuss the Comprehensive Plan will be held at 5:30 pm on Thursday, April 20th. The meeting will take place at the NEW Center, Cook Hall, 2nd Floor, 4211 State Route 44, Rootstown, OH 44272.

Lastly, bids for the township’s sled shed were opened at the meeting. Trustees accepted the bid from Hiram resident Brant Jessel for the shed, in the amount of $4,242.42.

Please note that the next regular Township Trustee meeting will be held on the second Tuesday of April — Tuesday, April 11th at 7 pm at the Township Administration Building on State Route 82.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography