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Hiram Township News


Hiram Twp. – At their February meeting, Hiram Fire Chief Bill Byers reported to Trustees that the new squad is working well. Byers noted that the old squad was purchased by University Hospitals. He asked Trustees to consider asking voters to approve a fire levy. He noted that monies raised would be used for staffing, noting the Department’s plan to have three full-time paramedics on staff to be able to provide this crucial service to residents. With current staffing deficits faced by the Department – a problem around the area and across the country — Byers anticipates that response times will begin to increase. Trustee Steve Pancost concurred with Byer’s assessment, adding, “We need to think bigger picture.”
A discussion ensued, with the potential idea of joining a neighboring fire district. Byers noted that doing so would increase Department costs dramatically, which would create additional burdens on taxpayers. He continued, noting that the Township currently has a full-time road crew. He added that the work is there for full-time positions at the Fire Department. In bringing up the issue, he wondered aloud if both communities, referring to Hiram Township and Hiram Village, would support this idea. Currently, the Hiram Fire Department is funded at a rate of 60% by the Township and 40% by the Village. Byers thanked Trustees for their consideration, noting that decisions like this, “start with conversations.” To that end, Trustee Jack Groselle volunteered to represent the Township in future discussions, and asked Byers to inquire as to who could fulfill that role on behalf of Council.

In his Road Report, Supervisor Tom Matota noted that as this winter has been the mildest in recent memory, the Township will purchase and store the minimum amount of salt as stipulated in their contract with ODOT. In other news, Matota noted that since Dominion will be upgrading the gas line along State Route 82, the building may be able to get natural gas in a more cost-effective manner. He noted that this upgrade is scheduled to take place during 2023 and will keep Trustees apprised of the progress. In similar news, Matota noted that the new building is experiencing ongoing issues with rust in the water. Trustee Groselle directed Matota to contact Village Administrator James McGee to get a rough estimate on the cost to tie into the Village’s water service.

In his Zoning report, Inspector Rich Gano noted that a search warrant was served on February 6th to a resident with a history of non-compliance to Township zoning statutes. Trustees approved a motion to pursue court proceedings if the situation isn’t remedied within 30 days of the official notification. Lastly, Trustees noted that the sled shed at the entrance to Township property on State Route 82 will be sold. Bids for the structure are due by Tuesday, March 21st at 7 pm. To make an appointment to view the interior of the insulated structure, contact Tom Matota at (330) 977-4040.

The next regularly scheduled Trustee meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 21st at 7 pm at 6352 State Route 82; residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography