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Hiram Township News


Hiram Twp. – At their last meeting, Trustees Steve Pancost and Jack Groselle discussed the potential of placing two levies before voters on the May 2023 ballot. The proposed levies include a replacement road & bridge levy and a replacement fire levy. In other news, Trustees passed a motion to pay $2,700 to purchase carpet tiles from State Crest Carpet in Bedford. The commercial-grade carpet tiles will be used to carpet the Township’s 20’ X 40’ meeting room. In addition to providing floor covering, it’s anticipated that the tiles will improve the acoustics of the space as well.

In Old Business, Trustee Pancost has been in discussion with representatives from the church facility in Hiram Rapids regarding lighting of the flagpole located nearby. According to Road Supervisor Tom Matota, an electric line has been run from the structure to the flagpole. He proposes the Township switch out the current floodlights, replacing them with more energy-efficient alternatives. Pancost will follow up with his contact at the church to ascertain whether this solution can be implemented.

In New Business, Trustee Groselle shared receipt of an invitation for Township officials to attend a special Zoning Training session. He shared that County Prosecutor Brett Bencze will be at the meeting and encouraged attendance at this informational opportunity. He noted that the Township would pay the minimal fee for anyone on the Zoning and/or BZA committees to attend this informative session that will be held on November 10th. Lastly, Groselle requested a motion to allow the County Engineer’s office to submit a speed study to the Ohio Department of Transportation on behalf of the Township; the motion passed unanimously.

Next, Matota reported that the Township’s generator is in. He shared plans to have the cement slab on which it will be placed installed by November 10th, after which a propane line will be run to the slab. The generator is scheduled to be installed on November 20th, with the project completed by the end of November. In other news, Matota noted that the County Engineer’s office base wage was raised as of 11/1, and asked the Township to follow suit, as the Township’s rates historically mirror that of the County. Next, Matota asked Trustees to consider the purchase of an asphalt hot box to enable the Road crew to make repairs to Township roads. Lastly, he noted that salt spreaders and plows are ready to go for the coming winter season.

The next regular Trustee meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 15th at 7 pm; residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography