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Hiram Township News


Hiram Twp. – At their last regular meeting, trustees opened bids for chip and seal work on township roads. The township received a total of three bids from: HULA Construction, Ronyak, and Geauga Highway. After briefly reviewing each bid, trustees directed Road Supervisor Tom Matota to deliver the bid packages to the County Engineer for review. In related news, township trustees unanimously agreed that when the sale of the township’s garage located on Ryder Road has been completed, proceeds will be added to the township road fund.

In other road news, two residents on Winchell Road (between Sheldon Road and the River) attended the meeting to voice their concerns about the poor condition of the road. Trustees advised the residents that their road is a county road and directed them to contact the County Engineer to inquire about road repairs or resurfacing. With limited county budgets placing constraints on the number of county roads that need attention, trustees also suggested residents contact the three county commissioners about the matter, since they set the budget for the County Engineer.

In other Road news, Trustee Steve Pancost shared that he contacted ODOT to request a speed study on Udall Road. He also shared that Google had been contacted on behalf of the township to implement a change to the way Cadex Road is listed on Google GPS. (The Tench family on Cadex Road had attended a previous meeting to request help, as their calls had no effect. They shared that since their driveway was incorrectly listed as part of Cadex Road, multiple delivery vans and trucks have followed GPS directions to their door, obstructing their driveway and creating a nuisance.)

In other news, trustees discussed moving the shed building located at the entrance of the township’s property on State Route 82 now that the new building has been completed. Discussion centered around relocating the unneeded building to the back of the property near the beaver dam or offering the building for sale.

Resident Mary Umbaugh, whose property borders the township’s property on State Route 82, was present to discuss the change to the flow of water after the township’s latest building construction. She noted that water now flowing from the township’s property has flooded out an estimated $800 worth of trees planted on her land that borders the two properties. Umbaugh inquired as to whether the township would reimburse her for the loss. Trustee Jack Groselle noted there is no recompense when water flows from one property to another as, “water flows where water flows”. He noted that the Matota and the Service Department planned to excavate a ditch behind the building once the soil dried out to guide water along a swale in an effort to remedy the issue. He also noted that a French drain had been added to help reduce the amount of run off as well, and a pipe added at the side of the hill that transports water to the swale and away from Umbaugh’s property.

In other news, trustees noted that two positions are currently open to interested residents looking to get involved with local government. The first position is a one-year term on the Zoning Commission, and the second is a five-year term on the Board of Zoning Appeals. Trustee Jack Groselle noted that a qualified resident on Alpha Road was considering which position he would like to fill.
The next regular trustee meeting will be held at 6352 State Route 82 at 7 pm on Tuesday, July 19th; residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography