Home Hiram Hiram Township News

Hiram Township News


Hiram Twp. – At the last meeting, Township Trustees discussed the details of a Community Open House event that takes place on Saturday, June 18th. The event will be held at Hiram Township’s new facility at 6352 State Route 82.

At Saturday’s event, visitors will have the opportunity to tour the new building, which was completed in late spring of this year. That afternoon, guest can also visit with members of the Hiram Police and Fire Departments and (weather permitting) see the Life Flight helicopter. Refreshments will be on hand from Cal’s Restaurant. And don’t forget your walking shoes, as the hiking trails are open, too.

The new building is situated near the township’s salt shed, cold storage building, and a helipad to provide emergency access for community first responders. The new structure houses the township’s road service vehicles, records, and contains office and meeting space. Upon completion of the new building, trustees were able to offer the former Township Hall in the village and the Township Garage on Ryder Road for sale. At this time, the Township Hall has already been sold.

The next regularly scheduled trustee meeting will be held at the new building — 6352 State Route 82 — on Tuesday, June 21st at 7 pm; residents are encouraged to attend.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography