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Hiram Township News


Hiram Twp. – At their last meeting, trustees read a letter from Pioneer Trail resident Kathie Havener. In her letter, Havener commended George Firtik from the township’s Service Department for his exemplary service. When driving by her residence, Firtik noticed that a rock had inadvertently been deposited by a county snowplow during a heavy storm, leaving Havener and her vehicle stranded at home. He stopped and removed the obstacle, earning accolades and appreciation from the elderly township resident.

In other news, trustees discussed the process of having the Township Hall and former Township Garage appraised and listed for sale, as the Township employees and equipment have been relocated to the new building on State Route 82. It was decided to ask resident Brant Jessel to list the Township Hall, while John Emmit would appraise the Ryder Road building.

In other news, Trustees agreed to purchase a metal topographical map through the office of Regional Planning. Trustee Steve Pancost proposed that the map be used as a ‘working model’ for the township’s new property to be used for planning purposes.

In his road report, Tom Matota asked for direction in making road improvements, since the township no longer has the staff to complete the work in-house. After discussion, trustees approved a resolution authorizing Fiscal Officer Eric Hankinson to draft a letter to the County Engineer’s Office asking them to solicit bids to chip and seal Udall, Wheeler, Norton, and Winchell Roads and for paving work in the Rolling Meadows development.

The next trustee meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 19th at 7 pm at 6352 State Route 82.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography