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Hiram Township News


Hiram Twp – At their last meeting, architect Hal Stamm presented preliminary details and information regarding the septic system at the new building. In similar news, Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe asked the trustees to approve a resolution authorizing First Energy to install a streetlight at the entrance at the township’s property on State Route 82. Similarly, Chief Bill Byers reported that the helipad surface at that location has being professionally crack sealed and coated.

The chief went on to report that the department’s October response time was approximately 5 minutes. He also noted that towing was required for one of the vehicles when an inside dual wheel went flat due to an unreported broken sway bar that caused wear and tear. In addition, one of the squads went to the shop for maintenance paint and windshield repair at Perfect Choice in Mantua.

In Old Business, Trustee Jack Groselle mentioned that the new building plumbing, electrical and heating would need to be re-bid next year due to the current busy schedule of contractors. He also noted that Franklin Township sent a letter thanking him for his work and collaboration to change the distribution formula for the Local Government Fund in Portage County.

Next, Trustee Debra Blake updated the trustees on the Hankee Road bridge weight limit. She noted that inspection of county bridges are on a pre-determined, scheduled timetable, but that the township is welcome to present emergency circumstances as necessary. Ms. Blake will be investigating the procedure to have the bridge and truck traffic on Hankee Road evaluated.

In his zoning report, Inspector Rich Gano shared that a total of seven permits were filled, bringing in a total of $800. In zoning news, Mr. Gano shared the Zoning Board’s desire to issue double fines to residents who have begun construction projects without first procuring the necessary permits. The trustees unanimously approved this request. He noted that the updated zoning fee schedule had been posted on the township’s website.
Road Report: Tom Matota reported that Hiram Village inquired about purchasing salt from the township for the 2018-2019 winter season. After some discussion, the trustees agreed to do so. As such, Mr. Matota arranged to have 100 tons of salt delivered directly to the village salt storage when the township’s next delivery of salt is due so that it wouldn’t be necessary to move salt from one shed to the other.

The next meeting of the Hiram Township trustees will be the end of year meeting, followed by the regular monthly meeting; this joint event will be held on Tuesday, December 18th beginning at 7 pm in the Township Hall.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography