Home News Hiram Township Happenings

Hiram Township Happenings


Hiram Township – Township Resident Diane Rodhe made an appearance at the October 2nd Hiram Township trustees meeting to thank residents for the support for her son Justin Rodhe, shot putter at the Summer Olympics in London.  Mrs. Rodhe shared, “Thank you for the banners — Justin appreciated the show of support from Hiram.” Her son has been in Canada since 2008, initially going to train with former Soviet Olympic gold medalist Anatoliy Bonderchuk. While there, Justin Rodhe married a Canadian athlete, become a citizen and competed as a part of the Canadian track and field team.
Closer to home, Fire Chief Bill Byers announced that Trick-or-Treating will be held in Hiram on October 31st from 5 – 7 pm. The annual Halloween Party at the Fire Station will be held by the Firefighter’s Association from 7 – 8 pm.  Jack Groselle, Trustee Chairman, was asked to help judge the costume contest.
Other news, the public is invited to attend the Zoning Board and the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on November 28 at 7 pm. At this meeting, the Township Comprehensive Plan will reviewed, with the Portage County Regional Planning Director in attendance to share developments from recent meetings.
As reported previously, the ODNR is looking for public comment on the NW Portage County Woodlands plan through an online survey until Oct 31st. The survey, open to landowners in Freedom, Hiram, Mantua and Shalersville with one acre or more of wooded land, will provide the ODNR to develop an area forestry strategy. A draft of the Woodland Commons Proposal is available to view and download at the Hiram Township website: http://hiramtownship.org.
The next Trustees meeting will be held in the Hiram Township Hall on November 6 at 7 pm. The Hiram Village Council meeting, initially planned for October 9 was rescheduled for October 30th at 6 pm in the Municipal Building. Both events are open to the public.

Stacy Turner