Home Hiram Hiram School Reunion Celebrates Longtime Friendships and Memories

Hiram School Reunion Celebrates Longtime Friendships and Memories

Maryanne Chamberlin of the class of 1964 which was the last class to get to graduate from Hiram School since Hiram consolidated with Crestwood in Mantua. She came with her brother Steve Kacenski from the class of 1962.

The 31st Hiram School Reunion took place on Sunday, July 21, 2024, at the Troy Community Center, drawing 40 classmates and their spouses.

Maryan Simsa Jenkins organized the event, with Jerry Matzek reserving the venue. Maryan’s daughters, Mary, Sandy, and Lisa, assisted with cooking and serving chicken, setting up tables and centerpieces, and taking class photos. Gary Spencer ensured the microphone was functional, allowing Maryan to welcome attendees and read the names of classmates and teachers who passed away over the year.

Maryan announced that due to the cost of catered food, the 2025 reunion will return to a potluck format on the third Sunday of July.

Attendees included: John Porter, 1946 graduate; Marilane Bixler Spencer, Class of 1950; Jeanette “Jean” Valot, Class of 1952; Shirley Bennett Matzek and Jack Matzek, Class of 1953; Marilyn Brigham Atwood and Richard Masters, Class of 1954; Margaret Krueger Smith, Class of 1956; Elizabeth Kieselbach Ritchey, Doris Cates Cope, Class of 1956; Ken Brigham & Helen, Gladys Kuzma Boyk, Jerry Matzek, Class of 1957; Norbert Boyk, Class of 1958; Marilyn Krauss Cervenka, Carol Orban Bott, Leon Sanborn, Class of 1959; Gary Bott, Duane Siracki with wife Shirley, Julie Urban, Class of 1960; Louise Burrows Kovar, Ruth Porter Marlewski, Bea Zeleznik Brom, Barbara Randa Hill & husband George, Jane Proctor Shipman, Class of 1961; Ron Etling, Carla Geiger Altiere, Ray Anieiski and his wife, Steve Kacenski, Sharon Mullen Steiner, Class of 1962; Bruce Fabiny, Maryan Simsa Jenkins, Pat Hurd, Barbara Porter Biltz, Class of 1963; Maryanne Chambelin, Jack Hopwood, Class of 1964. Jack Hopwood, who mistakenly arrived a day early, visited former neighbor Maryan Simsa Jenkins before returning home.

Maddie Simmons, a Public History Major at Baldwin Wallace University researching Hiram School for the Hiram College Library, also attended, bringing historical items to display. The organizers extended their sincere thanks to all attendees, especially those who brought desserts and contributed to making the reunion a success.


Anton Albert Photography