Home Other Areas Hiram School Reunion a Success

Hiram School Reunion a Success


The 19th Annual Hiram School Reunion  was held Sunday, July 15, 2012 at the Troy Community House on Route 422 in Welshfield. Ninety classmates and spouses enjoyed a potluck meal and an afternoon of visiting — twelve came from out of state:

Mary (Stanonik) Aultfather from the class of ‘59 of Georgetown, Texas; Kenneth Brigham, Sr. ‘57 of Labella, FL; Don Brooks’60 of Riverdale, NY; Ralph Hammond-Green ‘62 of Henderson NC; Donna Wackerman Nagy ‘63 of Bradenton, FL; Joe Nagy ‘62 of Bradenton, FL; Judy Bering Osborne ‘59 of Meridian,ID; Marcia Rosser ‘62 of San Francisco, CA; William Sharp ‘59 of Homer, NY; Don Szilagy ‘59 of Lakewood CO; Ruth Stanonik VanHala ‘61 of Marena Valley, CA; Maurice Baker ‘56 of Morgantown, WV

Norbert Boyk from the class of ’58 restored a 1926 Ford Model T  touring car convertible and drove it to the reunion.  During the reunion he had to run out to put a tarp over it when it began to pour rain.  They gave it a crank when it was time to go home and it started right up. Jerry Matzek class of ’57 rode home with him in style with their straw hats on from the model T era.

A big thanks for the set up crew Gary ’60 and Carol ’59 Bott , Gary ’57 and wife Mary Spencer, Maryan Simsa Jenkins ’63, Barbara Porter Biltz ’63 and Marilyn Krause Cervenka ’59 for arriving early to have things ready for the reunion Sunday.

Also thank you to Cal Brant ’66 for greeting folks and taking their food to the kitchen so they could sign in.

He also stayed to clean up and took the leftover food to be distributed.

Before we ate Gary Bott had a quick meeting.  He listed the classmates who had passed away and we had a moment of silence for them.

Gary Spencer ’57 asked to use the microphone and inquired as to whether anyone from the reunion would like to go on a cruise together.  Let him know.

Dan Dyer announced that he recorded the program he did last year about former English teacher Mr. Brunelle.  He can make copies for anyone interested.

The 20th Annual Reunion will be held at Troy on Sunday July 14, 2013 as long as the hall is available.  Jerry Matzek will check on reserving it for us.

Carol Bott said the hall rental fee is $205 with $100 refunded if we clean up afterwards.

There is presently a balance of $765.11 in the treasury. Thank you to all who donated to help with postage, invitation printing, rental of the hall, the chicken and beverages and table service that is provided at these gatherings.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography