Home Other Areas Hiram College Inspiring Next Generation of Techies

Hiram College Inspiring Next Generation of Techies


Hiram – Instead of spending summer vacation playing video games, Hiram College wants to teach kids how to design and build their own video games. This summer, Hiram College has partnered with TECH CORPS to offer students in Portage County the opportunity to participate in TECHie Camp.

TECHie Camp is a full-day, week-long technology experience designed by TECH CORPS, a nonprofit organization based in Columbus, Ohio. The over-arching goal of TECHie Camp is to assist students in making connections between the technology they love to use and the educational and career opportunities associated with the creation of this technology.

“Most elementary and middle school students are enthusiastic users and consumers of technology; they hardly remember a time when there was no internet, cell phones, or digital media” said Lisa M. Chambers, National Director and State Director (OH) of TECH CORPS. “Our objective in developing TECHie Camp is to put students in the role of creating and designing with technology–not just using and consuming it.”
Last year, only 2% of ACT-tested high school students in the US indicated a career interest in Computer Science. Through the development of engaging after-school and summer technology programs, TECH CORPS works to inspire more students to pursue technology-related educational and career pathways.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography