Home Schools Hiram College Announces Writing Contest for High School Students

Hiram College Announces Writing Contest for High School Students


Hiram – Hiram College announces the first annual Emerging Writers Nonfiction Contest for high school students. 

The contest is open to current 10th and 11th grade students, and all entries must be received by midnight on Jan. 15, 2015. 

Participants are asked to submit work that addresses the contest theme of “In the World.” Essays should be reflective, investigative, immersive or meditative, and the theme may be addressed broadly and creatively. Submitted work should combine a foundation in facts with nuanced use of language and detail. Such nonfiction allows the writer to explore their own experiences or subjects such as science, history, politics and art in a less formal voice and perspective. Entries may not exceed 1,500 words. 

Cash prizes of $100-$300 will be awarded for first, second and third place. Honorable mentions will be awarded at the contest’s discretion and include no cash prize. Winners will be invited to read at An Evening ofHiram Writers on April 7, 2015 at Hiram College. All winning entries and honorable mentions will be published in the Evening of Hiram Writers book. 

The contest is sponsored by the Lindsay-Crane Center for Writing and Literature at Hiram College. For more information, please visit www.hiram.edu/emergingwriterscontest.


Anton Albert Photography