Home Ravenna Haven of Portage County Ribbon Cutting

Haven of Portage County Ribbon Cutting


Ravenna – A few months ago, this reporter wrote an article about the Haven of Portage County, and how it was progressing. At that time (November of ‘21) the building facility was still in the process of finalization.  Wiring was in place for the computer stations, but there were no computers yet.  Beds were there for the future ‘guests’ but there was no bedding.  The vision was there, and it was nearing completion.  Now, the Haven is up and ready to run, just awaiting the final inspections.

The Haven of Portage County is a shelter for the area homeless. It is located at 2645 State Route 59, in Ravenna.  It has been funded through The Christ Foundation, The Portage Community Chapel, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and private donors.  The board of directors refer to their clients as Guests, and have a strongly held belief in their mission- The Guests are looking for a hand-up, not a hand-out.   To this end, the Haven coordinates with area social agencies, such as Coleman Health Services, Pinnacle, Hope Village and Hope Town.  The goal is to ‘not only provide a bed and a meal, but help to reintegrate the Guest into mainstream society and help them to ‘get on their feet.’

The ribbon-cutting was held on Monday, January 31 at 3:00.  Anne Marie Nobel, the Haven’s Director, met me early and proudly showed off the finished facility.  What was once an empty space is now a comfortable lounge area near the entrance.  The plugs in the wall that was the computer station now have computer work stations ready to serve. Outside of the women’s dormitory is a comfortably furnished family lounge with a bright mural.  There is a non-denominational chapel to help the guests tend to their spiritual needs.  Each of the beds has a unique, hand-made quilt from the Cocoon Makers of Ravenna.  This group is known for their cocoons, which are bed rolls that are similar to sleeping bags.  This shelter is ready!

A crowd gathered outside, awaiting the official word.  Ryann Kuchenbecker of the Ravenna Area Chamber of Commerce arrived with the scissors.  The very big scissors!  Board members, local politicians, local clergy-the parties that helped to make this happen, gathered outside on the sidewalk, behind that ribbon. Anne Marie cut the ribbon and the crowd was invited inside.  

There was a welcoming spread of appetizers from Eisele Catering for everyone to enjoy.  Signs were posted in the various areas, thanking the donors and volunteers who made that aspect possible.  The Laundry Area was made possible by Myers Appliance, the quilts were made possible by Cocoon Makers. The Haven was sure to thank all the donors, whether the donation was time, money or merchandise. There were lots of signs!

 Many board members became the proud impromtu tour guides.  This reporter connected with Reverend Bob Burgess as he led myself, Ravenna Chief of Police Jeffery Wallis and others around the facility.  The Haven has 64 beds, some dormitory-style by gender, others in family rooms.  There are rooms for the Guests’ private possessions to be safely kept during their stay.  

The board members were proud to share their accomplishment.  Bill Hyslop reiterated the guiding principle to me.  “We are not giving hand-outs, we are giving hand-ups.  The immediate needs are met as a way to help get them on their feet.” Bill is a recent retiree, looking to give back to his community.  He became involved with this effort through his church, the Portage Community Church.  He describes this effort as “breath-taking, different from the start.” He also noted that the fire department has been very helpful.  Board Member Debra Booher, a well-known area lawyer, is very proud of this achievement.  She has been very active since its inception.

Anne Marie’s husband, John, was proudly supportive.  When asked about the effort involved in bringing this from a vision to a finished project, he stated that Anne Marie never stopped.  Ever.  Makes this reporter wonder if Anne Marie will slow down a bit, now that it is open.  Something tells me…no. 

As seen on their website, there is always need for volunteers…

o There are more than 100 homeless people in Kent and Ravenna alone.

o Portage County’s only existing overnight shelter, Miller Community House, can only house 22 Guests.  There is usually a waiting list of up to 45 people.

o Over 200 people are listed as ‘homeless’ in Portage County.

o Portage County is listed as a 16% Poverty Rate according to the U.S. Census Bureau (2010 to 2014)

The Haven can always use volunteers and donations.  If you are interested in either, or both, please go to their website, www.portagehaven.org. You can also contact them at info@portagehaven.org.  Phone number is 330-235-8600. Please help Anne Marie, and the Haven Board of Directors, as well as The Portage Community Chapel, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and many donors and volunteers.  Giving back to the community is a reward we all deserve!

Ethel Wupperman