Home Newton Falls Grand Re-Opening Held For Newton Falls McDonald’s

Grand Re-Opening Held For Newton Falls McDonald’s


Newton Falls – If you drove past the Newton Falls McDonald’s recently, you noticed that something was up. While the drive-thru remained open, the dining room was closed. For quite a while. Well, on Saturday November 19, the dining room officially reopened.

New owner John Perdue was on hand to greet guests. Members of the Newton Falls Fire Department were there, along with their mascot Sparky, to accept a $500 donation from Mr. Perdue. The opening was populated with many Newton Falls dignitaries; Mayor Ken Kline, NFACA President Katie McClain, 44444 Trustee Patti Hanzes, even Santa Rick!

John and Michelle Perdue purchased the store in December 2021, intending to modernize the facility. Since the purchase, the Perdues have replaced the roof, upgraded the restrooms, remodeled the dining room, and added a kiosk. This purchase makes it 9 restaurants for the Perdues!

The upgraded restaurant boasts multiple ways to order. One can download the McDonald’s ap and order through that. There is also the drive through, the kiosk and a real person at the counter emphasizing convenience and choice. The digital options even have a table service option! Delivery is also available.
There was a festival feel in the air for the day. In addition to regular duties, General Manager Lori McKelvy was greeting guests in the dining room, and handing out prizes to many. Kristi Johnson was on hand painting faces. (Visit her social media page at www.instagram.com/kristi.johnson.216 for more information.) Volunteers ran a prize wheel. This reporter won a water bottle. (Perfect for a stocking stuffer!) Of course, outside was the air-filled yellow Waving Arms Guys, to attract attention. Judging by the full parking lot and long line at the drive-thru, Waving Arms Guys were doing a great job.

Director of Operations Rebekah Wall took some time out of this very busy day to share about her McDonald’s experience. She started as a regular crew person in college in 1995. She came as a part-time job for extra money getting through school, and it turned into a career. As a matter of fact, owner John Perdue also started out as crew.

McDonald’s offers great benefits for its employees. Among competitive pay and flexible schedules, there is a plethora of benefits for the crew person.
o High School Diploma for eligible crew (not a GED.)
o English Under the Arches for non-native English speakers
o Tuition Assistance
o College partnership
o Insurance Options
o 401K

McDonald’s likes to promote from within, so a part-time job can turn into so much more. This and many other locations are hiring.

Hours remain the same: 6:00am to 11:00pm. Stop in at 20 N. Canal St for a bite and check out the new dining room.

Ethel Wupperman