Home Iva's Input God Rest Ye

God Rest Ye


Well, rest is just what I’m looking for about now, lemme tell ya. I think that we’d be planning to petition somebody for an extra day in the week or an extra hour or two in the day, if we’re ever to get all of the stuff done that needs to be done. How about it? Who’s going to organize this campaign and get something done ASAP? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Not going to happen. Too busy doing all of the aforementioned “stuff”.  Right? Right.

So far there’s been a cantata/concert at the Garrettsville United Methodist Church, with singers and bell-ringers and narrators and everything except a partridge in a pear tree, there’s been the Santa Pub Crawl through town in support of the SummerFest coffers( no underage reindeer were allowed); there’s been the Christmas cantata (a new format) at St. Ambrose, featuring most of the usual suspects and then some; the Hiram Community Chorus did its finale concert on the third of December; Perme did his Christmas bash; ladies of the 20th Century Club of Garrettsville exchanged Christmas cards;  the Freedom Township Historical Society continued to invite residents to the restored schoolhouse for community events (Nice restoration, by the way, and they’re still at it. Nice to have a meeting place like that.); the James A. Garfield Marching Pride did their annual Christmas concert–concert band and jazz band; the Rotary met to gobble down cheeseburger soup and exchange white elephant gifts; the James A. Garfield Historical Society headed to Garrett’s Mill and Brewing Company for dinner in a historical setting (Can’t get much more historical than a building which began being constructed in 1804!); and way back on November 30 is when the whole shootin’ match got officially started with the lighting of the tree down by the clock tower and Santa arriving on the fire truck.

Whoooeee! Anybody bored and/or looking for something to do obviously is not paying attention. And, by the way, I’ll bet the People Tree bell-ringers squad could still use some volunteers. I’m hoping to get another slot at that, this time, inside…either that, or I’ll bring some firewood and my own kettle to put it in so I can toast marshmallows or something.

The Garfield H.S. Quiz Bowl team (Quiz Masters) heads to the 2019 TRASH Tournament this weekend to compete with a couple dozen other schools in their knowledge concerning “pop culture”. You, know, movies, video games, music (Well, that’s what it’s called; I’m not so sure that’s what it is.),TV, just about anything that involves a keyboard. They all seem to like it. I always tell them that I worry about people who know too much about that stuff. Their brains could be being distracted from calculus or AP biology or creative writing or something. So far, I haven’t noticed any ill effects, but you never know. Of course, I don’t know spit about calculus anyway; maybe they’re running away with it and I’d never know.

And speaking of running away…. (Great segue once again, am I right?) The U.S. is (Anyone else catch this in the paper just recently?) changing its measurement standard from the U.S. survey foot to the international foot used by just about everybody in the world. The difference is miniscule–adds about an eighth of an inch when measuring a mile–but over long distances and the necessity of accuracy, it can cause some major problems.  Some states have been using this all along, but when they deal with states that don’t, say, on connecting bridges or something like that, there’s hell to pay if the proper calculations are not made. Sort of like that space project a while back that was supposed to go up and around some celestial body and come back but one mathematician was using the U.S. foot and one was using the international one , so the device went shooting off into the unknown, never to return. Some folks are bound to complain and start kvetching about the metric system and all (Another thing that everybody else uses and it actually costs us money NOT to use), but TOO BAD. The newspaper article in the RC ended with a good observation : “the U.S. foot will be relegated to history, just like the cubit.” Which, you may recall, was the designated measurement used in building the Ark.  Time marches on.

Winter Solstice appears–or, rather doesn’t appear much at all, since it’s the shortest day of the year–on December 21. Right about there, the Old Farmer’s Almanac seems to predict snow and some cold weather. Don’t say you’ve not been warned.

Still have cats available.  No lines, no waiting.  The rescue seems likely to be a permanent fixture (Who’d a thunk it?) but the front porch three are still unspoken for. A bargain at twice the price, all major cards accepted.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography