Home Geauga County Giving Tuesday Comes To KSU Geauga & Regional Academic Center

Giving Tuesday Comes To KSU Geauga & Regional Academic Center


Burton – For the first time ever, Kent State Geauga and Regional Academic Center will have a Featured Fund for the annual Giving Tuesday event for Kent State University. Giving Tuesday has become a tradition for many non-profits around the country.  It started in 2012 as a response to the over-commercialization of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This year, Giving Tuesday is on December 3rd; however, Kent State has parlayed the one day of giving into a month-long philanthropic extravaganza!

Kent State Geauga and Regional Academic Center will be focusing on the Rising Scholars fund for November and leading up to Giving Tuesday, December 3. “The Rising Scholars program provides a great resource for students in our community. The students who complete the program will be set up for success in whatever path they choose post-graduation,” said Robin Dever, Ph.D. Middle Childhood Education, and Rising Scholars Coordinator at Kent State Geauga. “We are excited to announce that The Middlefield Banking Company has offered to match the first $1,875 that is donated to this fund,” said Molly Smith, Associate Director of Advancement. “Why $1,875? This amount is how much it costs to put one student through the Rising Scholars program each year.”

Supporting this initiative was a natural fit for Middlefield Bank. “I firmly believe that investment in education is one of the greatest ways to boost the prosperity of not only yourself but your community.  As a long-standing member of the Geauga community, we are proud to sponsor a program that expands access to education,” said Thomas Caldwell, President, and CEO at The Middlefield Banking Company. 

To support the Kent Geauga Rising Scholars program, visit https://flashes.givetokent.org/Geauga-Rising. “The Kent State Foundation has recently announced a potential “boost” for featured funds – for every 15 unique/new donors to the Rising Scholars fund from Nov. 1 – Dec. 3, the Foundation will add an additional $500 to the Rising Scholars Campaign,” Smith added. Keep up-to-date on the progress by watching Kent Geauga’s Facebook page at Kent State University, Geauga Campus and Regional Academic Center, or on Twitter at KSUGeaugaRAC.


Anton Albert Photography