Home Portage County GHS Art Club Lockergram Fundraiser

GHS Art Club Lockergram Fundraiser


Garrettsville– Want a creative way to ask someone to Prom? Want to wish a son or granddaughter happy birthday? Want to send a football player good luck before the big game? If you’re looking for a creative and original way to do any of these, consider purchasing the art club’s lockergrams. Lockergrams are personalized banners made by the GHS Art Club that will be taped to the person of your choice’s locker, sending whatever message you wish to send. Lockergrams are colorfully painted and handmade by members of art club to your exact specifications, so you can put whatever inside joke or friendly one liner you wish on it. Or leave it all up to us! The choice is yours.

Parents, you can get in on the excitement of locker-grams too! If you order on the GHS website you can have the Art Club make a lockergram for your child! What a wonderful surprise it will be.

Lockergrams are a wonderful way to send good wishes, especially for the artistically challenged. No longer do you have to waste hours trying to make the perfect poster for them. You can have JAG’s art club do it for you. Lockergrams are available for the low price of only $10 (students get a discounted price of $5) throughout this school year.

Help support the good work GHS art club does for the community through this exciting new fundraiser. Order forms are available online through the GHS website.


Anton Albert Photography