Home Chardon Get Well-Educated About Water Wells

Get Well-Educated About Water Wells


Approximately 45 percent of Ohioans and nearly all (98 percent!) of Geauga County residents rely on groundwater wells to provide a constant supply of clean, safe drinking water. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to become “well” educated by learning more about Geauga County’s groundwater resources and ways to monitor and maintain your well to safeguard your home’s drinking water supply.  The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District, Geauga Public Health, Geauga County Department of Water Resources, and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency are collaborating to present “Well Educated: A Deeper Look at Groundwater and Well Maintenance” on Thursday, March 21st from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the Geauga County Public Library Administrative Center (12701 Ravenwood Drive, Chardon, Ohio 44024). Free and open to the public, this program will feature an overview of groundwater in Geauga County, our role in maintaining water wells, the importance of testing, and helpful resources that are available.  Don’t miss your chance to learn from local resource professionals and take the first important steps toward groundwater protection. 

Geauga SWCD is also offering free total coliform bacteria drinking water tests to Geauga County residents who register and attend this program!  (Limited quantity, one per household, some restrictions apply.)  Reservations are required due to limited seating and the deadline to register is Sunday, March 14th.  To register visit https://fs12.formsite.com/GeaugaSWCD/WellEducated/index. For more information, contact 440-834-1122, gprunty@geauga.oh.gov, or visit geaugaswcd.com.


Anton Albert Photography