Home News Get Ready For The Appraisal Fair

Get Ready For The Appraisal Fair


Keep digging in the attic.  Keep swamping out the basement.  Tote that barge.  Lift that bale!  Clear those cupboards.  Empty those shelves.
The Antique Appraisal Fair is on the way.  August 20 at the James A. Garfield Middle School there will be a flea market/rummage sale benefitting the Garfield Middle School football program, AND the James A. Garfield Historical Society’s first annual Antique Appraisal Fair where anyone can–for a small fee–truck in beloved family heirlooms, reeeeealy old bubble gum card collections,  that vase Great-Great-Great Grandpa won on the midway at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago–same one where a farmer from Nelson took the gold medal for maple syrup– in 1893(Betcha he never told Great-Great-Great Grandma that he saw “Little Egypt” do the “hootchy-kootchy” at  that very same first world’s fair).
Competent local dealers and experts will give you their best reckoning of the value of your goodies and listen to a brief recitation of your family lore concerning how that stuff got into the hall closet in the family homestead…and when.
At $5 for one item and $10 for three of them, you can’t lose.  If nothing else, you can later make fun of all the other people who brought in things waaaay uglier than yours.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography