Home Geauga County Geauga Growth Partnership Presents Entrepreneur Success Breakfast

Geauga Growth Partnership Presents Entrepreneur Success Breakfast


Tricia Kaman was an art student and worked in 1965 as a portrait artist during the summer at Cedar Point in Sandusky Ohio. In 1971 she started her own portrait stand at Geauga Lake Park, and since that time has grown a business that has locations in over thirty major theme and amusement parks throughout the United States and Canada, offering approximately 20 product lines and employing roughly 2000 people.

Geauga Growth Partnership is inviting the business community for an opportunity to meet Tricia, Rich and Ben Kaman and hear their entrepreneurial success story during an Entrepreneur Success Breakfast: Kaman’s Art Shoppes on Friday, October 16, 2015 – 7:30 AM Registration / 8:00 AM Program at The West Woods Nature Center, 9465 Kinsman Road, Russell Twp.

There is no cost to attend the event, but please register at http://successbrkfst-kamans-art-shoppes.eventbrite.com

Tricia, who studied at the Cooper School of Art, the Cleveland Institute of Art, and the Art Students League of New York, has a special appreciation for the business side of the artistic life.

“We provide employment for the artist,” says Tricia Kaman who trains Kaman’s Art Shoppes artists in the fine art of pastel portraits and silhouette cutting. It is estimated that she has trained over a thousand portrait artists, who have sold a combined total of more than 500,000 sketches!

The Kamans have an important story to tell our business community: a story of growth, adapting to change, and planning for succession. Rich and Tricia were awarded the Northeast Ohio 2010 Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year award in the retail category.

For more information visit www.geaugagrowthpartnership.com or call 440-564-1060.


Anton Albert Photography