Home News GCRTA Meeting News

GCRTA Meeting News


The next Geauga County Retired Teachers Association luncheon will be on Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2011.  Gathering time at 11:15, followed by the business meeting at 11:30, and lunch at 12:00.
The meeting will be held at Chickagami Park in the Pine Grove Shelter – Same place as last year’s picnic – 17957 Tavern Road (Rt. 168) Parkman, OH.
This will be our annual Summer Picnic!  Please bring your place setting and one of your favorite dishes you enjoy making to share.  Nancy Speck’s famous pulled pork sandwiches and beverages will be provided.
ALL MEMBERS!    At our August picnic we will be collecting SCHOOL SUPPLIES for Geauga Job and Family Services.  Needed are: notebooks, pencils, markers, rulers, folders, glue sticks, wide-lined notebook paper, 2 or 3 ring notebooks, and scissors.
Ruth Holm will award the Grant-In-Aid followed by time to visit with all our retired teacher friends.  You can also take a walk in our beautiful park.  Wear comfortable walking shoes.
Call Nancy and Carl Speck at 440-286-3864 to make your reservation.  Please call by July 29, 2011.
Remember to bring items for the Geauga County Hunger Task Force.  We always need paper products and now we need soup, any kind except tomato.
Bring a newly retired teacher, school personnel, or someone who may need a ride. If you need a ride from Geauga Transit, call 440-285-2222 or 440-564-7131 ext. 5160 a week ahead of time to make your reservation.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography