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GCRTA Luncheon


The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association will meet on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 for a luncheon and meeting at Burton Congregational Church, 14558 West Park Street, Burton, Ohio  44021.    
Gathering time at 11:15 AM, followed by the business meeting at 11:30, and  lunch at 12:00.  The menu will consist of Ham loaf, Whipped sweet potatoes, corn, coleslaw, rolls and butter, coffee, tea, and pie.
The program will be by Joe Spear speaking on the Chardon bicentennial.
Cost is $14.00 (which includes a $1.00 donation to the Grant-in-Aid Fund).  Make your reservations with Terry Rossiter, 9076 Wyandot Rd., Chesterland, OH 44026 (440) 729-9251.  Please make your check out to GCRTA and send your reservation by September 25, 2012.
Bring a newly retired teacher, school personnel, or someone who may need a ride.
Our association welcomes any person who was employed by a school district anywhere in the United States.  For further information about membership, please contact Jean Paine at 440-286-4992.
Remember to bring paper products or canned goods for the Geauga County Hunger Task Force.  There is currently a need for canned fruit and green beans.
If you need a ride from Geauga Transit, call 440-285-2222 or 440-564-7131 ext. 5160 a week ahead of time to make your reservation.


Anton Albert Photography