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Garrettsville Village Council News


Garrettsville – A public hearing regarding ordinance 2011-30, 2012 Tax Budget, was held prior to the opening of the regularly scheduled Village Council meeting on Wednesday July 13.  Minutes from the June meeting and a motion to pay the current bills were approved shortly after the regular meeting began.  The Mayor reported that income tax revenue was up, compared to last year, in part to the collection of delinquent taxes.  Motions to suspend the rules and then to enact Ordinance 2011-30, 2012 Tax Budget were passed unanimously.
The Design Review Board and Village Council recognized Brent Johnson, of Johnson Service Station, for his outstanding effort in the upkeep and appearance of his business property.
The first reading was held of Ordinance 2011-36, which will provide regulations to the use of large portable signs within the village.  A public hearing will be held before the September 14 council meeting to discuss this and several other pending ordinances.
Discussion regarding the new 39-member Portage Development Board was next on the agenda.  The mayor expressed the importance of Garrettsville involvement in this new undertaking and asked for approval for the village to pay the membership fee.  The mayor also discussed the importance of declaring an urban renewal for the village.  The urban renewal could bring tax abatements from the state, which in turn could improve Garrettsville’s competitiveness to entice new businesses to the area.  A committee was formed to explore how this may impact our local school district as well as the village.  The committee will report their findings at the August 10 meeting.
Next, discussion was held about Garrettsville’s athletic fields and how to control use, limit liability, and collect revenue to help with improvements, repairs and upkeep.  The mayor and solicitor will research how other communities have handled these issues and will draft an ordinance to present at the August meeting.
Council unanimously voted to accept a quote from Hammer Data to build a separate website for economic development.  They also agreed that a dark area on Elm Street would receive a streetlight.
The last things on the evening’s agenda were Resolutions 2011-43 and 2011-44 that would authorize changes in work orders for the wastewater treatment plant.  These changes will address new EPA requirements that were enacted after the original plans for the village’s new system were approved. Council approved the resolutions (4-1) and authorized the Village Clerk to send the revised change orders and the review approval fee to the EPA.
During roundtable discussion Councilman Matson reported that the police chief asked the safety committee for a part-time, on-call, police officer for investigation of felony cases.  A motion was passed to hire an experienced officer on a trial basis and re-evaluate the need in six-months.  Councilman Klamer reported that students have designed a new mural for the SR 82 old bridge support and will begin painting soon.
Council President Rick Patrick reported that there were no bids on the old Irwin property at the recent sheriff’s sale.  He also sent out a big ‘thank you’ for the help and support of everyone at Summerfest.
Mayor Moser reported that the new bright yellow guardrail installed behind the post office was not done by the post office, but by the owner of the property.  He said there are some zoning issues regarding the barricade/fence and a letter has been sent to the owner.  He is hoping that the situation will be rectified soon.  The mayor also reported that he has no idea when Liberty Street bridge repairs will start, but chip and seal work on Liberty St. between SR 82 and SR88, and Park Ave will begin soon.
The next regular Village Council meeting will be held on July 13th at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography