Home News Garrettsville Village Council

Garrettsville Village Council


Garrettsville – Village Council met on December 14, 2011 for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Minutes from the November Council Meeting and a motion to pay the current bills were both approved. Revenue, expenditure, cash balance, and income tax reports were reviewed. There was a brief discussion on the financial state of the Village, which is sound. The Mayor remarked that income tax revenue at the end on November is over one million dollars. He stated that the Village had spent slightly more than they had taken in for 2011. Some of that was due to carry-over expenses from 2010, but there were also some major improvements made including: the Board Walk lighting project, the new canine vehicle for the Police Department, a zero-turn mower, the Liberty Street Bridge repair cost shared with the County, and the new dump truck.
The Mayor recommended Tom Hardesty to fill a vacant seat on the Planning Commission Board. With little discussion, a motion was made for Council to accept the recommendation, then seconded. Council approved the appointment 6-0.
Next on the agenda were several ordinances. Ordinances 2011-69 and 2011-70 pertain to current expenses and expenditures and Ordinance 2011-71 deals with the transfer of funds between accounts to reconcile expenditures for the year. Also up for approval was Ordinance 2011-72, which addresses parking violations. This Ordinance would give the Village authority to impound and immobilize any vehicle with two or more outstanding parking violations within the Village. All ordinances were passed 6-0.
Council then authorized the expenditure to join in the 2012 Portage County Drug Task Force. Members of the task force share in revenues from property seized through the county’s drug enforcement efforts. A citizen in the gallery asked the Mayor how the determination is made for how these funds are spent. The Mayor stated that the Ohio Revised Code dictates how the Drug Task Force funds can be used and it is earmarked only for police “stuff”. All of the accessories for the new canine police cruiser that was purchased this year came from this fund.
The issue of the leaf pick-up service for the Village came up again. It was mentioned that there is a leaf vacuum up for auction from a community down in Southern Ohio, but the auction only lasts six days. Talk focused on whether the Village should attempt to provide the service from within the Village or hire an outside service. Council President Rick Patrick said he would check into the condition of the equipment. After much discussion, Council voted to authorize Council President Rick Patrick to enter into the auction on behalf of the Village and to bid on the equipment up to a maximum not to exceed $12,000.00. Council also determined that if their bidding is not successful, they would discuss at the next Council Meeting proceeding with an outside service.
During a brief round table discussion Councilman Matson reported that the fire department had responded to 289 calls so far this year. Councilman Kaiser stated that the zoning inspector reported that an apartment building on Forest Street is not being kept as it should and suggested contacting the owner. The Village Clerk reported that there has been a permit issued for well drilling on Liberty Street and Councilman Hadzinsky brought up a complaint that was made to him about parking restrictions on Main Street on Saturdays. He questioned the two-hour limit in light of the promotion by the Chamber of Commerce to encourage people to come and shop in town. Council President Patrick also stated that some business owners have requested Council look into not having parking restrictions on the weekends. Councilman Patrick also stated he is looking into better signage directing people to the municipal parking lots and the Boardwalk.
The Mayor is asking for input on the Boardwalk lights. Comments can be emailed to the Mayor directly at mayor@garrettsville.org . He also wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
The next regular Council meeting will be held on January11th. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography