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Garrettsville Twentieth Century Club News


Garrettsville – The Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville held its annual Christmas party at the home of Maureen See on Garfield Dr.  Ms See was assisted by Leah Schultz in offering hospitality.  The colorful and warming refreshments were a joint production.

The evening was mostly given over to celebration of the season.  The group affirmed their usual $75 contribution to the People Tree.  The program was presented by Jan Chalker.  The exchange of gifts made in the community—by hand or by happy discovery—took over the rest of the meeting.  Talent abounded and surprises were abundant.  Everyone went home with a smile and a full measure of Christmas cheer.

The next meeting was scheduled to be at the home of Nasreen Kitko on Wheeler Rd.  Lucy Galayde is to be co-hostess.

The Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville held its first meeting of 2014 (Having had the REAL first meeting cancelled because of the record-setting cold)at the home of Patricia Amor on Zupancic Dr., assisted by Leah Schultz and the absent Jane Bell.

In keeping with the theme for the year, which is a journey through the Dewey Decimal System, the roll call was answered by revealing what branch of science the respondent would study, given the chance; answers ranged from astronomy to zoology, with stops along the way at anthropology, botany, chemistry,  et al.  Minutes were read and approved, the treasurer has Not absconded with the funds, there was discussion about making changes in the constitution to accommodate changes in the calendar to accommodate changes in lifestyles.  The next meeting—February 6– will be held in the Garrettsville branch of the Portage County District Library.  Members should plan to have a tentative count of the number of guests invited to Guest Night on February 6.


On her trek through the Dewey 300’s, Alma Jones uncovered fascinating information about wildflowers.  These ranged from their roles as sources of beauty to medicine and food; old wives tales and traditions played into virtually every aspect of our appreciation of wildflowers.  Some misunderstood wildflowers are called “weeds”.  Some weeds are quite lovely…when they’re not in the lawn.  Some of the beauties mentioned were : skunk cabbage( an early bloomer),   spring beauty, anemone, dandelion(dent d’ lion—tooth of the lion, lots of vitamin A), columbine, trout lily, violet, marsh marigold, Jack-in-the-pulpit, mayapple, forget-me-not, black-eyed Susan, mint, chickory.  Everyone had stories and observations of their sightings and appreciation of wildflowers.

It’s all about gathering rosebuds while ye may.


Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography