Home Iva's Input Garrettsville Summerfest Wrap-Up

Garrettsville Summerfest Wrap-Up


The farmer in the dell. The farmer in the dell. Hi-ho the dairy-o. The farmer in the dell!
The definition of the word “dell”—a small, secluded valley or glen (There’s another problematic word), usually a wooded one—isn’t exactly fitting here, but if we can idiosyncratically interpret it to mean “in Garrettsville for the parade”, it was a “dell of a time” on Saturday when all of the tractors came to town. The whole fandango was part of the much-rained-upon Garrettsville SummerFest, as the Century 21 Goldfire Realty , with their contributing partners, sponsored the big Tractor Parade dedicated to and memorializing the late (and very lately)Don Craver…and his equally feisty wife and helpmeet, Donna, also lost to us. The two of them were among the first to step up to participate in the very first Tractor Parade and were also active in support of and participation with the GFN Volunteer Fire Department. The Craver family showed up in force to drive their big green machines proudly from start to finish of this annual agrarian salute.

The sizes of the tractors ranged from some small ones that might have been cobbled together with parts of push mowers and sewing machines to some eight-wheeled behemoths that probably just eat up the acreage when they’re out on the job. Brands ranged from the easily-recognized green-and-yellow to the red-and-gray, the red-all-over, the orange, the blue-and-gray, and a few mostly-rust-and dirt. There were brand-new ones and antiques, locals and imports. A shout-out goes to the Wellington Implement Company, which participated in the parade AND contributed a grant to the GFN Joint Fire District for purchase and acquisition of apparatus to aid in rescues in grain-storage facilities, life-threatening situations which present special circumstances and dangers; many thanks.

All sorts of other stuff was going on throughout the weekend. Food was prominent, of course. The Irish egg roll was interesting. Dippin’ Dots, slushies, snow cones, the beer garden, Greek gyros, pork in many forms, stromboli, St Ambrose Famous Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner, donuts, Italian sausage sandwiches, chicken pitas, deep-fried vegetables (Health food, right?) pizza…nobody goes home hungry. The Car or Cash vehicle was on prominent display. Music was coming from everywhere, every kind, every day. The fireworks were cool…and bright…and loud! Friends of Melana got a good turn-out in support of the fight against glioma childhood cancer. Melana was taken from family and community by this disease at age nine; she would have graduated this year.
The Grand Parade moved a whole lot of entries through town, beginning with the entities honored this year—Police, Fire and EMS forces—lots of trucks and other vehicles designed for special circumstances, such as brush fires, cliff rescues (Remember Nelson-Kennedy Ledges?), water accidents, etc. The one antique truck suffered a “senior moment” and required a little help finishing the route (and that’s not even the oldest fire truck that the department has, it was organized over 100 years ago). The unicycle team from St. Helen’s school in Newbury was impressive, and very tall! Politicians from all over were walking, driving, being driven through the streets to remind us all that this is an election year and to remind us, as well, to vote. Make sure you are registered. Your vote counts. Your voice needs to be heard..

Ball teams of all sorts were on hand, all the way from T-ball and coach-pitch to the big guys in HH league. Our 2018 PTC Bowler of the Year, Lauren Sanchez, our Ohio State Youth Doubles(Div B) team, Emily Linamen and Billy Potteiger waved to fans. Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary had invited Santa to bring his sleigh to remind all that the club offers Christmas present delivery just before Christmas. He also served as a reminder that the biennial event of the James A. Garfield Historical Society Christmas Walk is coming up this year. Hiram Farm displayed enthusiasm in letting everyone know that their organic vegetables, eggs and meat are available, providing opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities and autism. F&S Automotive showed off their BIG trucks. The oldest horse 4-H club in the county, the Town Trotters, brought up the rear, followed by Tim and Roger, the clean-up crew.

And then there was Garrettsville Idol. Nothing stops those people. They love to sing and they love to share their music. This year’s winners were : Youth–Aby Seiler, Teen– Cheyenne Head, and Adult — Aimee Beelen Congratulations!

See you next year!

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography