Home Garrettsville Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report


The January 13, 2020 meeting of the Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram took place at noon in Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville to deal with the following :

Thoughts for the Doneley family. A report on the proceedings of the budget meeting, including a review of regular programs such as the Dictionary Project, scholarships, trash pick-up, RYLA, the bowling league, etc. and how the Reverse Raffle underpins the financial resources. Also the possibility of new programs and events–for instance, at SummerFest. Another meeting to continue these discussions will be held.

There will be no meeting on January 20 because of the MLK holiday but on the January 27 meeting date, the group will be traveling to the Historic Johnson Home to be hosted by the Mormon members for lunch and a tour of the restored 19th century home which is a historic keystone of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints.

Karen Bordonaro, assistant governor for Portage County, in District 6630 was present, bringing congratulations to the G-H Rotary for its excellent programs and progress, as well as notification of a meeting on January 29 to be held at the Ravenna Elks Club to welcome the Portage Summit Rotary Club into the Portage cluster in District 6630. One of the topics being broached by Rotary at this time is guidelines for having a harassment-free environment across the organization at all levels. There was also a promo for the upcoming P.E.T.S. meeting.

The February 3 meeting may be moved and relocated to allow for a presentation on the Exchange Student program, encouraging local InterAct students to attend. Dues are due. Happy $ hit the table for a comedic event regarding a family wedding luggage fiasco, a physical passed, Stu Buchanan’s raffle tickets.

It’s all good.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography