Home Portage County Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report


The Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram met on August 26, 2019 for a smorgasbord of business topics after having enjoyed a festive steak fry on August 21.  The items under discussion included the following :

Disposition and location of the picnic tables from the Euclid Y, edging for the landscaping of the Headwaters Trailhead–moving rocks, the recurring Dictionary Project coming up,    calls for a dumptruck Saturday, ordering a new Rotary banner, checkbook availability issues, increasing membership…or the opposite…everywhere, completion of the Shoebox Project, required budget for next summer’s participation in the Snack Pack Project with the NGCC.

Also on the menu–a visit from District 6630 governor, John Reyes on October 7 to present awards of recognition–names to be revealed, children’s books are needed for the Little Library at the IGA, tickets are in for the upcoming Reverse Raffle–distribution and recording of same has begun.

Delores McCumbers gave a brief presentation on the origin and operation of The Four-Way Test.

Happy Bucks were offered commemorating a student’s return to college, appreciation of the G-H Rotary’s operation and press coverage, assistance in business, a successful holiday, an ultrasound video and…surprise!…grandchildren.

Same time, same place, next week.  You’re invited.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography