Home Portage County Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report


The  Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram met at noon on February 18, 2019, in Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville to encounter the following : 

Notice that dues are due. 

The treasurer-transition meeting will be held on Wednesday.  Delores McCumbers will be attending the Cavs game with exchange student Natalie.  Other activities’ opportunities will be coming up for interaction with this notable young lady; members are invited to participate.  The J.A.Garfield Boosters will be having a fundraiser at the Sentinel Center.     The 4-Way Speech Contest will be coming on April 4.  Local entrants will be judged–and awarded prizes–prior to that date.  The line-up of speakers for upcoming meetings was discussed. 

Local social/medical situations were updated : benefit dinner for Guy Alexander, new baby, critical  diagnoses, card to injured sheriff’s deputy who had been a speaker at Rotary, current events and social mores, personal experiences and losses, friendship tales. 

It was a day–Presidents’ Day–of low attendance and high interest/involvement.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography