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Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report


The business meeting of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club was held on October 1, 2018 in Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville and covered the following topics :
Programs for upcoming meetings and scheduling for other events took up most of the period. The Roadside Clean-up will take place on October 12, a Friday with no school, so more InterAct members will be able to participate. There will be vests from ODOT for the cleaner-uppers and adult supervision. Hillbrook Farm will be the starting point and crews will take off from there to improve the roadsides from Garrettsville to Hiram. Gloves are part of the suggested attire.
Quiz Masters from the H.S. Academic Challenge team will be presenting the October 8 program on their experiences in national competition in Chicago in June. The club is hoping to have the District 6630 Governor as their guest on October 15. Norm Fashing will arrive on October 22 to describe his work with the Friends of Melana fighting children’s glioma cancer. The October 29 meeting will be devoted to preparations for the Reverse Raffle, which will take place on Wednesday, November 7. The treasurer’s report revealed new sponsors for the Reverse Raffle, including Eagle Creek Growers, Kim Kohli, attorney-at-law, L & P Machine, Tinkers Creek, LLC. The practice of tossing “happy bucks” into the kitty at any given meeting to acknowledge and celebrate positive events and outlooks was reinstated. John Crawford and Tom Collins reported on the co-operative project between the village, the Y and G-H Rotary to retrieve some free equipment from a Y in Euclid which has been closed. Much done, plenty remains to be done; the work goes on. Could not have been accomplished without the generous help from volunteers.
Enter funny stories and reminiscences…. Exchange student Natalie is now prepared to experience that standard American event, Homecoming.
It was a good day. Join them on Mondays at noon in Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography