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Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report


The big day is coming.  The Big Night is coming with it.  The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Reverse Raffle is coming down the track, NOVEMBER 10 @ Sugar Bush Golf Club.  This is what the club was doing at the October 31st meeting to get ready and conduct its other community-focused activities as well :

The  recruitment of  event sponsors closed with a gratifying surge, with many local businesses and groups getting on board to support the good works of Rotary.

There was a tally of sold and unsold tickets, sorting attendees and tickets still available; any Rotarian will be happy to supply tickets to persons wishing to come and participate.

The auction prizes and baskets are being gathered.  A meeting on Thursday will be establishing the evening’s order of events, including the new games and opportunities to win.

A Darlene Jackson painting, one of the more coveted contributions for many years, will be on display at the Middlefield Bank prior to the auction, where it will go to a lucky high bidder.

Auctioneer for the event will be Crist Miller of McCumbers-Brady Realty, who has expertise in these affairs; he will also be auctioning off one of his wife’s famous pies.

On November 23 the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary will be continuing of  the annual Dictionary Project.  Dictionaries will be given to all of the students in the third grade at Garfield Elementary School.  Rotarians will also be awarding prizes to the winners of the last Fit-n-Fun program.

President Delores McCumbers also reminded the club that the Christmas Walk begins on Thursday evening, with the CandleLight Tour, featuring  a glowing introduction to the event, with tickets and     refreshments available at the historic Mott Building in downtown Garrettsville.  The Walk, proper, will be on November 4, 5 & 6 and 11, 12 & 13.  It includes a look at four local homes, including the Johnson Home—a historic site of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Pioneer Trail—and refreshments available at the Garrettsvill United Methodist Church.  Exchange students of Rotary District 6630 have been invited to attend the event on November 13 for a taste of an American holiday celebration.

Plans for the South Park Walking Loop are on hold until next year and a clearer vision.  This may be a possible involvement for the school of architecture at Kent State University.  Great things could happen!

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography