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Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report


The countdown is on for the Annual Steak Fry of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club, with the added excitement of celebrating the 90th anniversary of the still-active and inviting organization.  The July 25, 2016 meeting was highlighted by planning for the event, to be held on August 8, 2016 at 8289 Park Ave., Garrettsville, beginning at 6:00p.m.  Invitation to area clubs, past and prospective members, district nabobs and local officials have gone out; their replies are eagerly awaited.  Plans are being made to present some highlights of the ninety years—1926 was another world.

Lisa Muldowney brought in new figures and information concerning the South Street Park Walking Loop.  She has been consulting with Mark Hecky on materials and excavation; another on-site look is in the works.  Specific plans/diagram/map  will probably be the next step.

Other business included signage for the Headwaters Trail, hopes for the Free Library being in operation by September, developing membership goals for the coming year(new business activity in town), a request for a sponsorship assist to the National Youth Leadership Forum and new signs in both Garrettsville and Hiram informing of the time and location of regular meetings (Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville), since the ones in place now are incorrect.

Individual information on members’ businesses included The Farm-To-Table event being hosted at the Candlelight Winery on July 30 (Tickets still available), another Memorial Evening to be held by Carlson Funeral Home and Cremation Services in October, pursuit of new Rotary shirts to be available, rejoicing at new energy practices coming, the Open House for John Wolfe at Nelson UMC on July 31, new, low, attractive mortgage rates at Middlefield Banking Company.

Next week is the monthly business meeting; no funny business allowed.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography