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Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Report


Reports came in at the February 23, 2015 meeting of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club.  To wit :

*Carol Donley told about some of the artistic interpretations of the subject of last week’s presentation on The Children of the Dump, including in drama, in dance and in film.  She offered the possibility of making some of these available for local students.

*Caitlin Lawless and Amy Crawford gave some hints as to the new look and focus for what was formerly known as Family Week.  Health and Wellness will be highlighted by activities throughout the Spring and Summer for students and their families.

*President Delores McCumbers handed out information on incarceration rates which everyone hoped would never become of personal interest.

*Trish Danku is Trail Boss for the club’s principal fund-raising event, the fall Reverse Raffle.  Them doggies may be hittin’ a new road in November.  There was discussion of changing the venue, of possible changes in catering and suppliers.  Ravenna Elks?  Mantua K of C?  Available dates?  It’s a new broom.  Which all tied in with the need to uncover new revenue streams.  Stay tuned.

*The 4-Way Speech Contest is rapidly approaching.

*Kyle Collins, next year’s out-going exchange student, heading to Japan, and Zad, the current exchange student for the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club, recently attended Rotary Camp where next year’s exchange students got the low-down from this year’s participants.  It was an exposition on the fine points of the whole process.  The group was able to talk to overseas students via Skype and discuss the variable conditions which they might encounter.  Knowing the language was one key issue in many situations.  Not everyone speaks English and if one visits a new country, it behooves one to have at least a tentative grasp of what is spoken there.  Capisce?

*Business meeting next week, March 2, 2015, Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, 12:00 noon.  New members or those with an interest are always welcome.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography