The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary club met on March 10, 2025 in Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville to consider the following business:
Grants info has been acquired; discussions as to the club’s Centennial Project are ongoing–community suggestions will be welcomed…a gathering at The Mill to solicit ideas will be held on May 15 . Rotary scholarships will be awarded again this year; applications will be available. RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) will be held at Hiram College this year, G-H Rotary will be contributing, Windham schools will be invited to send a participant. The Rotary night with the Cleveland Cavaliers was an excellent event for local attendees– a good time was had by all. There will be no meeting on St. Patrick’s Day–Erin go Bragh! New shirts…pins…badges…etc. are being discussed. G-H Rotary will be contributing to the senior signs to be displayed in Garfield seniors’ yards (GEA will be sponsoring as well). The district Soles for Souls contest is doing well. Have we a new member, a new president? The Guardians’ Rotary Night is approaching on August 15.
Happy Bucks flew in for a Marriott night in Pittsburgh x 2, the excellent Cavs game and “just becuz”.
It’s all good.