Home Garrettsville Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report


The Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram met on Presidents’ Day, February 20, 2013 to observe the day and conduct the following business ?

Solicit more baskets & donations for the Scotch Doubles Bowling night coming up (March 11). Policy review for required harassment policy. Should this be posted on club website? It’s all about procedures, perceptions & respect. Possible review of by-laws in the local club…annually? Meeting with InterAct to recruit help and participation for upcoming activities such as the district speech contest, RYLA, roadside clean-up, etc. Review of the Four-Way Test and its application.

Happy Bucks were ponied up for the great weather, for thought-provoking meeting on racism, for an excellent health report, for a day spent with a son…and macrons, a successful renovation effort.
The February 27, 2023 meeting of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club was held in Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville, at high noon to close out a wild weather month in a community-oriented fashion, looking ahead.

A Youth Exchange Officer will be needed if the club wishes to get back into hosting or sending students in the Rotary Exchange program. District 6650 is seeking aid/assistance for families in East Palestine; more information is needed but will be regarded favorably. Dues are due.

Bowlers & baskets are still being sought for the Scotch Doubles event at Sky Lanes on March 11. Rotary will be operating a bike wash for the road warriors after the Road Apple Roubaix on March 4. Other fund-raising opportunities were discussed and will continue to be, as the group considers all of the consequences of so much activity and the demands on everyone’s time–great ideas, support intended, personnel & expertise limited. More discussion will be had. The 4-Way Speech Contest is coming up on April 10 at Springfield H.S. , followed by a District 6630 conference in Cleveland on April 28-29.

Happy Bucks were offered for a fine Grand Ole Opry trip to see a local boy make good, for information going to the local Rotary archive, for a successful (?) diet, for business promotions, for a new car, for Jack Daniels

Happy Birthday, Rotary–celebrating 117 years!

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography