Home Garrettsville Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Report


Roger Cram (the Ultimate Rotarian) was the featured speaker at the February 6, 2023 meeting of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club, held at Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville. He outlined the content of his recently-published book, which is composed of some 25 stories about unsung, everyday heroes, ten of whom are Rotarians and all of whom illustrate and embody world-changing values. His inspiration for beginning to write the book was a chance encounter with the Tuskegee Airmen and stories of the obstacles which they encountered on the way to becoming one of the most-decorated escort groups in the Army Air Force in WWII. This led to a course at Hiram College, and worldwide travels to find more individuals who shared and exemplified the values of heroes from all walks of life. Rotarians figured in many of the stories he uncovered, such as the anti-polio campaign in India, and illustrate how to adapt relevant values to lives here and now. The book is available online or in person…which is more interesting.
Other business included dues being due, the Road Apple Roubaix on March 4 where Rotary will be sponsoring a bike wash for the road warriors, the Scotch Doubles fund-raiser on March 11, the next Tom Collins Rotary Memorial Trail meeting–followed by a social gathering at the Eagles, for wing night on February 7, attendance at the district grants committee meeting in Akron is covered, and the semi-annual Roadside Clean-up will be coming up in April.

Guest Rich Thewlis was suitably impressed.

Happy Bucks went into the pot for a new microwave that works, a good weekend and work situation,a son’s birthday, new family members set to arrive, the day’s guest, and just because. It’s all good.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography