Home Other Areas Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Plans InterAct Appreciation Day

Garrettsville – Hiram Rotary Plans InterAct Appreciation Day


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians bid a fond farewell to February, 2016 on Leap Day, February29, the likes of which will not be seen again for four years (In a less-contentious election year, let us hope).

President Tom Collins urged members to make their opinions known on a pending agreement between the Sierra Club and AEP (American Electrical Power) which will come before the PUCO (Public Utilities Commission of Ohio) later this spring.  The agreement addresses the development of wind and solar power (and retirement of coal-fired plants), continues a low-income weatherization program currently in effect and reduces by 26% the carbon pollution in Ohio.  It should be an important step toward reinvigorating Ohio’s clean energy future and is supported by large businesses, hospitals and low-income consumer advocates.

Other matters discussed :

InterAct Appreciation Day will be held at Sky Lanes, Garrettsville, on April  9 from 2:00p.m. to 5:00p.m..  Invitees are the JAG InterAct members and Rotary Exchange students from across District 6630.

The 4-Way Speech Contest local competition will take place on March 14.  Judges are needed.

The semi-annual roadside clean-up is being scheduled for April 16 at 9:00a.m.  InterAct members are to be part of the crew and the local Boy Scouts will be invited to participate.  McDonald’s may be part of the plan.

Plans for Fit-n-Fun at the James A. Garfield Elementary School are in the works and the culminating activities are tentatively set to take place on May 15 at the Village Park on South St.—look for Ronald McDonald.  Bicycle recently went to winners of last year’s over-the-summer record-keeping efforts; picture was in the Record-Courier.

The local club will celebrate the 90th anniversary of its founding in June.  Portage cluster members and District 6630 officials will be invited.   Still going strong at ninety!

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography