Home Garrettsville Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary News

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary News


The Rotary Club of Garrettsville-Hiram met on February 11, 2019 in Cal’s II, Sky Plaza, Garrettsville to be presented with the following topics of discussion:
Official Rotary thank you cards are now in and available for acknowledging supporters. Clearer minutes of official business are needed for dealing with bank transactions; signers for checks will be made clearer. There will be a budget transition meeting to clarify future planning. Dues are due. Pictures of the Dictionary Project distribution were enjoyed. RYLA will be coming in June at Baldwin-Wallace; attendees will be sought. Should the club purchase a screen (TV or other) for program presentations? Trish Danku related information and ideas from the Wine & Roses fund-raiser by the Medina Sunrise Rotary. G-H Rotary Reverse Raffle planning begins now; date remains the same, changes may be coming. Thoughts on the subject were wide-ranging.
Delores McCumbers gave a brief presentation on the mechanics of district Rotary grants, including information available, status of grants, access to the site, requirements–involvement/participation, documentation, quarterly reports.
Happy Bucks were offered for an incipient EMT, an 8th birthday, real estate sales, Garfield bowlers and musicians, rewarding experiences of exchange student Natalie and her great year at Garfield.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography