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Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary News


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians are on the move again.  They’re planning for their annual Christmas party on December 17…including the White Elephant gift exchange, which is always a hit(lots of peanuts).  They’re finalizing their lists (addresses, not who’s been naughty or nice) for the Santa gift delivery on December 23–any donations got to support the People Tree–and setting up routes for the “right jolly old elf” to get presents to the right jolly houses that will be waiting for him on that evening.  They’re sending out thank you notes to all of the generous contributors to the recent fundraiser.  They”re having an induction ceremony for new members on December 10.  They’re discussing the possibility of  using printed placemats for use in  eating establishments in the area as another avenue of fundraising to incorporate local advertising and information about Rotary and its many activities.  They’re patting themselves on the back for being a part of the Rotary International float in the Rose Bowl Parade in January, 2013.  Look for the roses with the G-H logo.

They’re starting to get “ducks in a row”  for the Family Week activities coming up in February 2013 : Boy Scouts and food, equipment and facilities, games, the Balloon Man, the music festival participants, elementary school and auditorium schedules–the whole barrel of monkeys.  Stay tuned; it’ll be better than ever!

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary meets on Mondays, beginning at 5:30 in the Hiram College Dining Hall.  Come join them.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography