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Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary News


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians, meeting in the Hiram College Dining Hall on November 19, began their planning for the 2013 Family Week activities, one of the community projects that been a hallmark of the group’s local outreach.  Contacts for the participation of area groups and individuals will be beginning soon and those  wishing to be a part of the action are urged to step up ASAP to be in on the fun.

Other upcoming programs and project were the subject of discussion as well.  Santa delivery requests are coming in and more are expected. Anyone in the immediate area who would like to have a Christmas gift delivery by the old saint himself should contact a Rotarian  or check in at McCumbers-Brady Realty or The Business Works to make a reservation.  There is no set charge but any donations received will go to The People Tree operation which serves the Garrettsville-Nelson-Freedom-Hiram-Windham area.  Santa will accomplish the impossible (Doesn’t he always?) by being in two places at the same time to deliver gifts in the village and in more rural locations.  Schedule your visit now!

Other items on the agenda included :

+ Updated membership roster available on the district website

+ Member badges and lapel pins are to be ordered, taking into account new members

+ Dues are due; the district receives an accounting

+ The jobs of secretary and treasurer are to be separated  to facilitate operations so as not to overburden any one individual.

+ Thank you note will be going to all silent auction donors in appreciation for the support offered at the auction and reverse raffle fund-raiser.

+ New member induction will be held on December 10.

+ The annual Christmas party will be held on December 17.

The evening’s program was presented by new member Lisa Hesse, a Personal Banker with Huntington, who gave descriptions of some of the operations and programs of the bank–types of accounts, e-banking, investments, insurance, on-line functions special loan and re-finance features available–in the institution’s operations as a small-town bank having knowledge of and interaction with its customers.  Many of the local branch’s employees have been with the operation for many years; they conduct business in a manner that has garnered high satisfaction ratings in customer surveys.  These people know their business, they know their customers, they are the face of banking at Huntington.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography