Home Garrettsville Garrettsville Council Sets New Rates for Cemetery

Garrettsville Council Sets New Rates for Cemetery


Garrettsville – Village officials present at the village council meeting on October 14th were Village Solicitor Michele Stuck, Mayor Rick Patrick, Assistant Fiscal Officer Deb Wordell, and Councilpersons Tom Hardesty, Chris Knop, Jeff Kaiser, Larry Beatty, John Chambers and Tom Collins. Due to COVID-19 social distancing requirements, the meeting was held in person with no audience. The meeting was streamed to Facebook for the public.

After the meeting was called to order by Mayor Patrick, the minutes of the September meeting were reviewed. Following the approval of the minutes, council reviewed the financial reports and income tax receipts. According to Patrick the tax collection and delinquencies are looking good. Hardesty shared that tax collection is ahead of last year’s numbers.

Resolution 2020-28 was approved and enacted on first reading. The resolution authorizes an amendment to an existing agreement with Arcadis US, Inc., allowing the company to provide detailed design assistance for Phase 2 of the South Street water main replacement. The Board of Public Affairs recommended that the project be extended to include an additional 1,300 linear feet of water main replacement along South Street between the end of the Phase I project and the south terminus.

Resolution 2020-29 was approved and enacted on first reading. A resolution declaring the official intent and reasonable expectation of the Village of Garrettsville on behalf of the State of Ohio (the borrower) to reimburse its road and bridge fund for Phase 1 of the South Street water main replacement project (#CG67X) with the proceeds of tax exempt debt of the State of Ohio. The Village of Garrettsville reasonably expects to receive a reimbursement for the Project known as the South Street Water Main Replacement Phase I as set forth in Appendix A of the Project Agreement, with the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the State of Ohio. Stuck explained that this resolution covers the repayment of the loan portion of the project funding. The BPA also qualified for grant money and 0% interest loans.

Ordinance 2020-30, an amendment to 945.01 of the village’s Codified Ordinances relating to cemetery fees, was approved and enacted. Based on the recommendation of the Garrettsville Cemetery Committee there will be increases in the fees for cemetery lots and other services effective January 1, 2021. The new fees are as follows:

The following fee schedule for the sale of cemetery lots and other services is hereby established as follows:
(a) Sale Price for Grave Lots.
(1) Village Resident $200.00
(2) Non-resident of Village but resides
within a Garrettsville Zip Code or is a resident of
Nelson Township $400.00
(3) Outside of Garrettsville Zip Code $500.00
(b) Charge for Interment.
(1) Adult $400.00
(2) Baby $100.00
(3) Child
(less than 6 feet but over 3 feet) $150.00
(4) Ashes $100.00
(c) Foundations. $50.00 per sq. ft
(d) Transfer Fee.
To transfer a lot to a non-Village resident $300.00
(e) Weekend Interments.
(1) Adult Interment fees
(Saturday) $600.00
(2) Ashes (Saturday) $200.00
(3) Adult Interment fees (Sunday) $1,000.00
(4) Ashes (Sunday) $400.00
(f) Excess Time Rates. The fees for Interment will double if the Cemetery crew is not through before 3:00 pm Monday through Sunday (Weekdays: $800.00; Saturday: $1,200.00; Sunday: $2,000.00). Funerals on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years Day, Memorial Day, and Independence Day will all be double the Sunday Excess Time Interment Rate ($4,000.00).
(g) Former Residents. Former residents of the Village of Garrettsville will be allowed to purchase a cemetery lot at the Village Resident price for up to three (3) years from the date they move out of the Village.

Ordinance 2020-31 was approved and enacted. The ordinance sets forth the compensation rates of the employees of the village and the employees of the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs. This ordinance included the following changes:

  • The Cemetery Committee has recommended an increase in the annual compensation of the Cemetery Sexton to $1,800.00; and Council is in favor of the increase and further deems it appropriate to combine the position of Sexton with that of Superintendent of Street/Cemetery/Parks
  • The State of Ohio minimum wage is increasing to $8.80 on January 1, 2021, which must be reflected in the Wage Ordinance.

Ordinance 2020-32 was approved and enacted. The ordinance amends the “Annual Appropriation Ordinance” and increases appropriations for current expenses and expenditures for the village. The revised appropriations now include funding/receipt of payment for:

  • A previously authorized the emergency repair of the entrance of Northgate, for safety reasons.
  • Repair of the damaged, brick column at Park Cemetery.
  • Two additional receipts of its local share of the Portage County Coronavirus Relief Distribution Fund in the amount of $115,556.
  • Resolution 2020-28, authorizing an amendment to an existing agreement with Arcadis US, Inc. to provide detailed design assistance for the South Street Water Main Replacement Phase Two.

Garrettsville Police Sergeant Keith Whan was present at the meeting to request permission for the department to purchase and replace existing dashcam units in the patrol cars, and purchase body cameras for the department. Whan and Police Chief Tim Christopher researched several providers before landing on the products that were presented to the council. Whan shared with council that the purchase could be funded from the police budget due to mindful staffing and keeping an eye on the department budget. After some discussion on the benefits of the new equipment, council approved the purchase.

Roundtable Wrap-up

Beatty complimented the sidewalk and paving projects. He also shared that he had looked up the trees recommended by Adam Wohlever to replace the dead, and dying, pear trees on Main Street. Woehlever had been in contact with Wordell and would be obtaining the trees and assisting the street department with planting. Beatty also shared that Wohlever recommended replacing the yew bushes by the boardwalk fountain with rhododendrons – which are native to Ohio. Council passed a motion to reach out and start the process of replacing plants. Rotary was also thanked for their work on the Headwaters Trailhead along Windham Street.

Patrick announced that Trick-or-Treat will be scheduled for October 31, from 6-8pm. He also shared that the damaged pillar at the entrance to Park Cemetery will be replaced within the next 2-3 weeks by Pesichek Construction. The village will also be holding a document shredding day at Village Hall on October 31 from 12-3pm. This service is offered to village residents (and residents who own a business in Garrettsville) and only paper will be accepted for shredding. Patrick also praised the Garrettsville Police Department for their work over the last couple of months. He also mentioned that the political parades that have been rolling through town are now complying with the regulations and are registering for parade permits each week.

Kaiser asked if Patrick had spoken with the Cemetery committee about ordering new maple trees for Park Cemetery. He would like to see another 10-12 trees throughout the grounds.

Collins reported that the grant request had been submitted for the EV charge station.

The meeting was adjourned after roundtable.

Staff Reporter