Home News Garrettsville Council Eyes Water Rate Hikes

Garrettsville Council Eyes Water Rate Hikes


Garrettsville – Council met September 14, 2016 for their regularly scheduled monthly meeting.  Councilman Hadzinsky reported that there’s been a great combination of above average revenue and record low spending for July 2016.  Additionally “the twelve month surplus/deficit is +$228k, best in memory”.  Funds have been managed “in-the-Black 12 months running” and year-to-date this is the best for JULY in memory.

Council passed Ordinance 2016-26 establishing a village hall access policy.  The new policy defines access zones and who is permitted in those zones during business hours as well as after hours.

On second read was proposed Ordinance 2016-28 amending the zoning map of the village by changing an area of property from C2 commercial zoning to R2 residential classification.  A public hearing will be held October 12, 2016 before the regularly scheduled council meeting for this proposed ordinance.

Council passed Resolution 2016-29 accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor.  Council also passed Resolution 2016-30 authorizing the mayor and clerk-treasurer to execute an agreement authorizing Arcadis US Inc. to provide limited bidding documents related to the Main and Center Street parking lot improvements at a cost not to exceed $4100.

On first read was proposed Ordinance 2016-31 relating to inspection of apartments located over commercial establishments.  If passed the Ordinance would allow for a warrant provision, which could be exercised in the event that voluntary consent to enter for inspection cannot be obtained.

Also on the agenda, council discussed a bill that was submitted by the police department for the Memorial Day parade and ceremonies.  It was determined that council never formally defined how the police department should recover costs for extra detail for special events.  Council made and passed a motion that extra police detail required for village-sponsored events are to be considered ‘part of the job’ and officers will be compensated through regular payroll.  Council also further defined billable hours for special events will be billed to and paid by the outside organization responsible for the event.

Last on the agenda was first reading of proposed Ordinance 2016-33, which, if passed, would increase water rates in the village from the currently set 2% to 5%.  Engineering consultant Arcadis, has determined that the currently scheduled water rate increases are insufficient to continue the generation of necessary revenue and maintain carryover balances.  There are still some century-old mains (North Street for one) and there is concern that there is not enough money in reserve if something catastrophic should happen.  The proposed increase would affect the rates beginning January 2017 and increase 5% annually thereafter.

Topics during roundtable discussion included: Ongoing Queen of Hearts, update on Center/Main Street parking lot project, update on sidewalk installation and repairs, quote on a new dump truck for the village, another business closing on Main Street, Fall Clean-Up scheduled for Thursday, October 20th and Trick or Treating scheduled on October 31 from 6-8 pm.

Council adjourned to executive session to discuss personnel compensation.

If you’d like to know more of what is happening in your community, attend a meeting.  The next regular Village Council meeting is scheduled for October 12, 2016 at 7:30 p.m. at Village Hall.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography