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Garrettsville BPA News


Garrettsville – The Garrettsville Board of Public Affairs met on July 10. Present were Board President Ed Maresh and Board Members Ben Coll and Michael Sherer, Solicitor Michele Stuck, Superintendent Jeff Sheehan, and Fiscal Officer Donna Love. 

Superintendent Jeff Sheehan’s Water & Wastewater June Report offered insights into the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) and Village Water Treatment Plant (WTP). Particularly, blowers #1 and #3 at the WWTP were temporarily removed for essential refurbishment/repairs. The estimated cost to replace, rather than repair, the motors came in at around $75,000 each. Refurbishment was considerably less, but presented a challenge as the original manufacturer no longer exists, requiring some parts to be fabricated.

The Village Water Treatment Plant (WTP) and the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) each had a permit violation. At the WTP, manganese tested at 0.100mg/l (permit limit is 0.058mg/l). The next sample taken the following week was below 0.010mg/l. At the WWTP, copper tested at 28mg/l (limit is 25mg/l). The next sample taken a week later was 21mg/l. Lead and copper testing was performed on samples of the village’s drinking water. All ten lead test results were below detectable limit. 

In ongoing business, Coll reported that Alloway had completed the well testing for the Watershed Monitoring Program. Water personnel will contact Anna Draa for training on entering the test results into the reporting spreadsheet.

Maresh addressed the potential use of asphalt grindings from the Water Street paving project for repairs along the WWTP drive. Sherer’s motion to engage the paving contractor for the delivery and distribution of these materials, with a stipulated cost not exceeding $5,000, was unanimously approved.

Superintendent Sheehan said that employee Anthony Augaitis had taken classes to become a licensed operator. Sheehan would like to increase Augaitis’ pay by $1.00/hour,  and when Augaitis passes the test, move him to Level 1 Licensed Operator wage step of the pay ordinance. The board approved the increases in pay.

Staff Reporter