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Garrettsville Area Chamber News


Garrettsville – Roger and Connie Angel opened the doors of Dairy Queen early Wednesday morning as they hosted the first meeting of the Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce for 2011.

A review of the treasurer’s report was first up and it was announced that the sale of the 2011 Chamber calendars had netted $700 towards the flower basket fund.
Aaron provided the chamber with an update on Summerfest 2011 and the new events that will be taking place – some of which are a mining sluice, a possible charity card tournament with gigantic playing cards and the Summerfest Wedding.  The Garden Club will be joining this year’s event with a flower show.  Cav’s tickets are still available for the March 6th game – cost is $35 per ticket with proceeds benefiting Summerfest.

The chamber voted unanimously to be a co-sponsor of SummerFest  along with the Villager – additional sponsors are still needed – please contact Aaron at 330-527-9999 if you or your business is interested.

Last year’s St. Patrick’s Day celebration in Garrettsville was a success and will be repeated this year.  Look for more info to come.

Greg McDivitt, Garfield’s Athletic Director, gave a presentation on the scoreboard signage at the schools.  Businesses are encouraged to show their support of the schools by taking advantage of this advertising opportunity.  Please contact Greg at 330-527-0039.

Cruise Nights will return in 2011 – look for the classic cars to return in May.  Official dates and locations will be announced soon.  Sponsors are needed for this event to help defray the costs of entertainment, trophies and advertising.  Please contact Rick Patrick at 330-527-2865 for more information.

Hallie Higgins thanked all who supported the People Tree and announced that 128 families were helped this past holiday season.  There is a Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner being held on February 18th where a portion of all pre-sale tickets sold will be donated to the People Tree.  Please contact Hallie at 330-527-4097 if you are interested.

The 2011 Chamber Officers are as follows:  President – Eva Szasz; Vice-Presidents – Gretchen Cram & Rick Patrick; Treasurer – Erika Frankel and Secretary – Michelle Zivoder.

The Planning Commission will meet on Thursday, February 3rd at 7 pm and Village Council will meet on Wednesday, February 9th at 7:30 p.m. – both meetings are held at Village Hall and the public is invited to attend.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography